ラベル 悲しみ の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示
ラベル 悲しみ の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示


愛の傷を音に込めて――「Love Hurts」に込めた思い

「Love Hurts」という曲を通して、私が表現したかったのは、誰もが経験するかもしれない心の痛み。その中でも特に、失恋の感情に焦点を当てました。この曲では、内省する時間と、感情が無情に押し寄せる瞬間を対比的に描いています。







「Love Hurts」は、感情を言葉ではなく音楽で伝える一曲です。この曲を聴いて、自分自身の感情と向き合う時間を作っていただければ幸いです。泣きたい夜、思いを解放したいとき、このピアノ曲が少しでも心の支えになればと思っています。

ぜひ、「Love Hurts」を聴いて、あなた自身の物語をこの曲に重ねてみてください。

"Love Hurts" is a piano piece that seeks to capture the universal pain of heartbreak. Through this composition, I wanted to convey the overwhelming emotions that arise when love is lost—a blend of quiet introspection and the unrelenting wave of feelings that follow.

The Struggle to Hold Back Tears and the Surge of Emotions

Have you ever tried to suppress your emotions, only to find them surging back like an unstoppable wave? This piece embodies that experience. The music starts softly, mirroring moments of introspection and solitude. As it progresses, emotions rise and eventually pour out, creating a powerful, cathartic climax.

The ebb and flow of the composition reflect the emotional tide that often accompanies heartbreak. It's a journey through reflection, pain, and the eventual release of all those bottled-up feelings.

Beyond Heartbreak: A Universal Story

Although "Love Hurts" centers on the theme of heartbreak, it goes beyond that to explore universal human emotions. The grief of losing someone you love, the unspoken pain buried deep within, and the strength it takes to face those feelings head-on—these are emotions that many of us can relate to.

A Song to Comfort Your Soul

"Love Hurts" is not just a song; it's a space to confront your emotions. Whether you're experiencing heartbreak, longing for release, or simply looking for music that resonates with your feelings, this piece is for you. I hope it becomes a companion for those quiet nights when words are not enough.

Take a moment to listen to "Love Hurts" and allow its melody to intertwine with your own story.


「Love Hurts」楽譜(PDF)